Is an international association of mental health professionals and social scientists from eastern   and western Europe focussing attention on the process and problems of psycho social transitions in the former Communist countries and the european Union.
        We meet annually to share our experience around a common problem.
        The topics and places of these meetings have been:
            - Orientational Crises in Germany & Yugoslavia
                                         Storkow (Berlin), Germany, 1992
            - Crisis – the Synthesis between Danger and Possibilities
                                        Sofia, Bulgaria, 1993
            - Me & You; We & the Others (Identity and Ethnic Conflict)
                                        Esztergom, Hungary, 1994
            - As the Rivers Flow: Identity, Community & Change
                                        Bratislava, Slovakia, 1995
            - Power & Leadership
                                        Budapest, Hungary, 1996
            - Women & Men: Here & Now
                                        Budmerice, Slovakia, 1997
            -  Overcoming Violence – Persons, Families & Societies 
                                        Dusseldorf, Germany, 1998 (this theme was continued with an emphasis on)
            -  Poverty and Resilience
                                        Dobogoko, Hungary, 1999 (displaced from Ohrid, Macedonia)
            - Reconciliation and Integration
                                        Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2000
            - Reconciliation: reality or fiction?
                                        Prague, Czech Republic, 2001.